Train the Trainers Course on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Prevention
Only 25 spots are available per session!
The course in English is sold out. Please register on the waiting list. If there is enough demand, Digna may consider opening a second cohort.
This training is designed for PSEA focal points in Canada to enable them to train their organization’s staff, volunteers, and partners effectively and promote PSEA.
Cliquez ici si vous souhaitez participer à la session en français,
Divided into two sessions of three hours each, the training will be interactive, providing opportunities for self-reflection, peer exchange, and asking questions. It will use intersectional feminist and decolonial approaches to PSEA.
The training will cover the following key elements of training on PSEA:
- Why is PSEA important?
- How to identify SEA in your work context
- What to do as a bystander to SEA
- Understanding the Code of Conduct, policies and complaints procedures of your organization
Participants will also get practical tools to facilitate PSEA trainings themselves after this training:
- Creating a safe(r) learning space
- Managing triggers and difficult conversations
- Survivor-centered and trauma-informed approaches to facilitation
- Using case study scenarios
- Adapting the training to your organization
About the facilitators:
Juliette Sanchez-Lambert is an equality trainer, facilitator and consultant. She specializes in gender equality, diversity and inclusion and sexual violence prevention. She supports organizations in the public and private sectors in improving their harassment prevention mechanisms by providing training, coaching and guidance on their policies, codes of conduct and complaint mechanisms. In 2019, Juliette co-authored the practical guide It’s Not That Grey which gives concrete tools to identify harassment in its early stages and deconstruct the so-called “grey zone” of sexual harassment. Before starting her freelance career, Juliette worked with a multitude of human rights NGOs on refugee and migrant rights, women’s rights and LGBTQI+ rights in Canada, France, Switzerland, Turkey, the UK and Belgium.
Renée Wolforth is an independent Protection and Safeguarding consultant, based in Athens, Greece. She focuses on protection and safeguarding work with NGOs in both the development and humanitarian aid sectors. Her previous experience was in humanitarian aid, especially in protection and GBV prevention and response in conflict-affected areas (e.g. South Sudan) and refugee-hosting countries (e.g. Lebanon and Bangladesh); including acting as PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) focal point. Her work has included training facilitation on various topics including Safeguarding, GBV, protection monitoring and mainstreaming, and general protection. In addition, she has also represented (pro bono) Domestic Violence survivors in civil court in the United States and conducted resettlement interviews for refugees, including survivors of violence.
Please direct any inquiries about this training to
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